Wednesday, October 19, 2016

October Wednesday Walk

Finally, a break from the rains!  We had over 5" from Thursday through Monday morning, and more still Monday and Tuesday.  I think we'll need wellies to explore.

A stunning rosehip.

The rains have been perfect incubators for mushrooms.

The moles appreciate the rain too - digging is SO much easier!

The Big Leaf Maple are starting to turn.

Look at all the rosehips!

I'm thinking they'll be part of my winter / Christmas bouquets.

Methuselah's lichen.

A glade of Oregon White Oaks. They, along with Douglas fir, are some our state's iconic trees.

The willows are still nice and green.


Most of the blackberries have rotted, but there are some that are still edible to the delight of the birds and deer. 

Pretty blackberry leaves. 

Honeysuckle berries.

Native Dougwood.

Hazel brush.

I don't know what this light colored tree / shrub is, but it certainly is making a lovely contrast in the forest.

There is beauty everywhere, even in the mundane.


  1. I've never seen Methuselah's lichen before. That's pretty wild!

  2. Your post is full of things I like, rose hips, moss,berries,and pretty leaves! We had a few days without rain. We are suppose to get hit tonight again. They are warning about mudslides!! UG!

  3. Love the Swainson's thrush. I wonder if Heartstring has plans to chart additional birds. I saw on another blog, can't recall which, two crows that someone had stitched. Didn't cause a stir when they were released, but love them now that I've seen this blogger's version. Don't know though where I'd hang them, so holding off ordering them.
    Those honeysuckle berries bring tears to my eyes! Its an evil invasive plant here, choking out natives in our timber areas. The house I bought this summer had some and I've been working to clear it. Some of it was 20+ feet tall! Half my back yard is still off of its branches. I know the birds enjoy the berries and nesting in bushes, but I feed them and will plant good natives for them.

  4. Your stitching on the Swainson's is coming along nicely! I may get back to stitching tonite... it could happen! I really really want to get some more plants in my garden, plus a tree! I have to get out and ask around for the best suggestions...Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  5. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos of trees and plants and their names. I love to compare with what we have here in Ontario.

  6. Methuselah's lichen, who knew? I love seeing the flora and fauna from your neck of the woods.


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