Saturday, July 16, 2016

Nature Is

We tend to anthropomorphize Nature, but Nature just IS.

We're the ones who decide it is cute... 

...or adorable.

We are amused by a juxtaposition of creatures.

Our hearts melt for big brown eyes.

Fuzzy soft fur...

...and big button noses.

Thumper and daisies the child in us sighs...

We perceive a smile... can see it, can't you?

Or imagine a conversation between Bambi and Thumper.

And then there is something about new babies...

...especially twins.

So that's why it is hard to see one who is not well.

I can only hope that this is an abscess that has ruptured and will heal.
Though it might be a tumor of some sort - because Nature Is.  

As the one twin is so distinctive, I've now discovered that we have two sets of twins.

The second set is both younger and smaller than the first.

And again we go - ahhhh! And worry about the fawn with the injury to its neck.


  1. Poor thing. I hope it's ok. Having two sets of twins around -- nice!

  2. ohhh poor thing... Hoping for a positive (for the deer) resolution to that! I have had triplet Carolina Chickadees, twin Tufted Titmice, and a fledling Eastern Towhee!! (gotta blog!!) It's been exciting at least this spring... Not to mention a family of FOUR squirrels vandalizing the feeders! grrrr... but like you said, it's just nature! Hugs!

  3. Oh no. I hope you are able to see a healthier little one this week.

  4. This post is so well said Beth! A very interesting way to look at nature, the way it really is. It reminds me of the time my children and I were so upset when we saw the hawk snatch the little bird from our feeder, and my dad said the hawk needed to eat too.


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