Friday, July 15, 2016

They're Back!

Design - "Liberty Sampler"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
FAbric -328cnt R & R Americana Blend linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 7 July 2016
Completed - 9 July 2016

I stitched the smaller of the two charted samplers as I only had a piece of fabric large enough for the smaller sampler.

On Tuesday a Red-tailed Hawk flew past the feeders into a nearby tree.  He caused quite the stir!

Also on Tuesday I heard soft 'peeping' when the adult Violet-green Swallows entered this house.  I'd say they've successfully hatched a second brood.

The Black-headed Grosbeaks have also have a successful breeding season.  I think I must have close to 18 birds now.

And now I know why I never have any ripe Elderberries.
The Black-headed Grosbeaks are eating them. 

The biggest surprise of the week though was the return of two Bullock's Orioles.

The two birds arrived together, chatting to one another.

First up I found the female as she perched on fencing at the edge of the back patio.

She was accommodating and posed for me.  

Thanks so much for dropping by again.

It took me a while, but I did find the second bird.

It was the first year male Bullock's Oriole.

I'm now wondering if I should set out some grape jelly or orange slices for them.


  1. Hopefully you can set out a special snack for them, and they will stick around and pose some more for you!! Great shots! I stitched the top of that piece... have it on a little hornbook/threadholder my son made... a fave!

  2. Lovely finish; I've really enjoyed all your patriotic pieces. And your bird photos - wow. They are beautiful.

  3. Another sweet patriotic finish Beth. You're really popping them out!

  4. Those yellow birds are so beautiful.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.