Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sunday Hummers

While I still have several hummingbirds,  

I do not have as many as there were in mid-June.

The Anna's Hummingbirds are here 12 months of the year.

I think that makes them a bit less territorial and feisty.

The male Rufous Hummingbirds arrive in mid-March and they have already headed south.  I've not seen an adult male Rufous for two or three weeks now.  There are several females and immature adults.   

Hey Anna! 

This Rufous found a nice perch in a clematis.

They also like the fencing that protects some of my plants. 

She is certainly fat and hat.

And she has a bit of pollen on her beak. 

Back to an Anna.

This agastache 'Tutti Frutti' is a hummer favorite.

Tubular flowers are humming bird magnets.



  1. I am seeing more hummingbirds at this property now. So tiny yet I think the population is doing well.

  2. They're so pretty! I've only seen one this summer and I'm afraid the flowers they like are so late this year that they've already gone. That, and also that the new neighbors cut down the trumpet vine in their yard.

  3. Love these little guys! Yesterday, my daughter that is local tells me that they had a hummingbird visit them very briefly in their backyard! I know migration has begun... maybe I should put out a feeder?

  4. Great shots - if I had hummers in the garden all year, I'd never get to work!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  5. Love these pics! The little fat rufous is so cute!

  6. Amazing photos Beth! My feeders are very busy right now too.
    I love the header.


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