Thursday, June 2, 2016

Birds and Bees

Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles June 2016 Blog Header

Row #1: Shepherd's Bush, "Keeping the Bees"; Lizzie Kate,"Buzz"; Heart in Hand, "Joyful Journal - June"

Row #2: The Prairie Schooler, "Where There Are Bees" - "Bee Medallion"; The Prairie Schooler, "Where There Are Bees" - "Bee"; X-Appeal, "Little Bit of August".

Last Wednesday my Mom and I went on a bird walk near the campus of our local community college at the southwest edge of town.

There were several birds in the parking lot area including this American Robin.

This Cedar Waxwing also was hanging out there.

Two photos of him because I like him so much!

Still in the parking lot...a Western Wood Pewee  

He's a cutie so he is worthy of a couple of photos too!

The Western Wood Pewee was hanging out with a Purple Finch.

After leaving the parking lot and truly beginning the walk we saw a Rufous Hummingbird.

This was the thrill for me - a Black-throated Gray Warbler.
Only the second time that I've seen this bird.

At the top of a hill a Willow Flycatcher perched on a tree and talked to us.  
We also heard (but did not see)  several different warblers on the walk including:Orange-crowned Warbler,  MacGillivray's Warbler, Wilson's Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, and Yellow-breasted Chat

We did see a Mourning Dove the subject of my current bird stitch!

And this pair of Red-tailed Hawks was quite active.

They flew, and talked and perched in a tree.

We ended our birding adventure with a sighting of a Red-breasted Sapsucker.
The walk was quite successful with over 30 species seen and/or heard.  I was thrilled to learn the name of a bird I often hear at home (not have never seen). It is a Wrentit!


  1. What a wonderful day! I never see such a variety of birds - but then again, I'm probably not paying as close attention as I should be.

  2. What a great variety you spotted! They are all lovely, but the ordinary robin is still very appealing.

  3. I love the new header.
    That is quite the bird count. The sapsucker is so pretty

  4. Great header for June! And love seeing and hearing about the birds you saw on your walk.

  5. What a great walk you had! So many wonderful birds seen and heard! Wow!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.