Friday, June 3, 2016

Bee Skeps and Baby Birds

It is June and I have two new bee skep charts!

In June many of my birds are in the process of nest building like this Violet-green Swallow.

I do not think that I've ever seen baby Juncos before, and in the past week, I have watched several families.



Here is a young female Hairy Woodpecker.
Here's her dad.

Here are the two of them together.

I still have a female Evening Grosbeak hanging around. I am hopeful that portends baby grosbeaks in the future.

This past weekend I saw two sets of Killdeer parents defending their nests from Memorial weekend cemetary activities.

Back to baby Juncos.

She's begging.

Too cute.

Other parents still have much work ahead of them.


  1. How hard these bird mothers work. I have never seen baby juncos, though we do have loads of the adults around. Interesting and cute.

  2. All the babies are so cute. And oh my, that last photo is just gorgeous!

    Love your new bee patterns! I've sort of fallen in love with bees and skeps as a motif. Not sure how that happened, since I've never been fond of bees. Though, I do love watching and listening to them hum from flower to flower in the garden.

  3. Such cute baby juncos! Glad you were able to spot them, Beth. Your new bee themed header looks great, too!

  4. Such sweet birds. How wonderful that you are able to capture them nest-building.

  5. Loved seeing the babies! I have a pair of Downy's (I thought they were hairy woodies cause their beaks were so long, but they are growing into them now)and triplet chickadees, plus many many house finches that visit every day! But the best ones that I love are the Tufted Titmice! I think there are two babies, plus mommy of course! Hugs!


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