Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Warm Walk in June

We are greeting June with warm weather - 80's - turning into hot weather - 96! by the weekend.
So let's get outside and walk before it gets too hot.

The wild roses are still going strong...

The blackberries are covered in white blossoms much to the delight of the fat bumblebees.

After much searching, I found several wild columbine that have thus far escaped predating by the deer.

The meadows are dotted with Blue Dick's.

I am still finding Elegant Cat's Ears.

This rose - wow! 

The Large-leafed Lupin are in bloom.

I was extra pleased to see two Western Pond Turtles sunning themselves.  One slipped off the log before I could snap a photo.

Another species of wild lupin.

The delicate, yet extremely poisonous Western Hemlock.

Wild Yarrow in the foreground and Meadow Checkermallow in the background.

Oregon Sunshine - how could it be called anything else?

A Song Sparrow serenaded me for part of the walk.

Thimbleberries are blooming.

And after searching, I rediscovered our wild Mock Orange.  I need to cut back some monster blackberry vines and give it some breathing room.

Back to the house and shade and a cold glass of water!  See you next week for another walk.


  1. Boy, that is some warm weather you're expecting, Beth! Lovely walk today--especially loved seeing the turtle :)

  2. Hi Beth,
    I sure enjoyed our walk. It has been a long and stressful week (and it's only Wednesday) and I could just feel myself relax as I enjoyed these beautiful photos. An extra special thank you today Beth.

  3. Thanks for the lovely walk... love to see all the wild plants in your neck of the woods! The sun is out here, right now, for the first time in ages!!! Just when we think the rain is gone, it comes again! The second tropical storm for 2016 just passed by us today. It isn't even officially summer! They say we shall have about five days of good weather... but... we missed out on spring!! Now it is jumping into hot summer! Sigh!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.