Monday, May 23, 2016

Bird Watching

40 years ago, I used to regularly see China Pheasants in the open fields near my home.  I caught a quick glimpse of one on a bird walk earlier this spring, so I thought I'd stitch this little Prairie Schooler design in the hope that I might see this pretty bird again in the near future.

This time of year Parvati is hard-pressed to pick - Bird Watching, Bunny Observation, or Chipmunk Patrol.  Spring is such a busy time of year!

For some reason, it is particularly difficult to take a good photo of my Lesser Goldfinches.  This one turned out pretty well and gives you an idea of just how small and slight the bird is perched on a pine tree. 

Sometimes Parvati is able to combine two activities - in this case bunny observation and bird watching. 

The California Quail are mostly in twosomes.  I do think I've seen a single gentleman and a single female - "Match maker...make me a match!"  

The males are extremely protective of their ladies this time of yaer.

S t r e t c h !

This guy is watch from atop a garden gate... 

...while his lady forages below.

The darned Starlings are so noisy and there are so many of them right now.

There are Begging Babies everywhere.

This poor adult (2nd from left) has three babies all demanding his time and attention and food.

They are kinda' cute...

If only they weren't so loud!


  1. It will be fun to see your stitching. I haven't seen a pheasant in a long time. My husband and I were talking about it the other day. They are pretty birds.

  2. love the finch shot :) been busy with photos of birds too .. think it is catching not got a bunny yet but hey give me time love mouse xxxxx


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