Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Reinstating WIP Wednesday

I have several larger projects languishing in a stack one top of another.
I decided to reinstate WIP Wednesday - a day that I stitch on one of my UFOs and turn it back into a WIP. Last week I picked up "More Than Luck" which I had not touched since March.  I stitched the word Hope and four more shamrocks.  So good progress, even though looking at it closely I need to frog out and restitch parts of two of the shamrocks.   

After bemoaning my lack of Evening Grosbeaks, one day earlier last week I was treated to several birds.

It was a drizzly day, but they did not seem to mind.

At one piont I counted 4 guys and 4 gals.

Here's one of the happy couples.

They hung out in the brush more than the feeders.

Love those big beaks (thus their name). 

Makes them look rather regal! 

At one point I had a Hairy Woodpecker, a couple of Evening Grosbeaks, Goldfinches, and a Pine Siskin.

The Hairy Woodpecker left to be replaced by an Acorn Woodpecker.

Back to the Evening Grosbeaks.
Looking quizzical.

Looking proud.

Looking thoughtful.

Peering at one another.


  1. I've heard them called "grocery" beaks!!

  2. They are really very colorful birds!

  3. Beautiful stitching
    Birds are very lovelies

  4. I like the sound of WIP Wednesdays! Lovely stitching. Those Grosbeaks are gorgeous!

  5. I'm liking that 'More than Luck' piece... very nice! Look at all those Grosbeaks! Today I saw my FIRST Blue one (not at my feeder but at a NWR)!! So excited! AND I got some good pictures! Woohoo! I'll probably blog tomorrow... Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.