Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sunday Garden Tour

I've been working outside and since mid-April when my father and I spent two days power-washing the porch, patio, and all the walkways. 

In early May I went a bit crazy with my plant purchases.

I think I ended up with 13 flats of plants to set out or pot up.

Slowly, slowly I've been finding 'homes' for my new plants.

My garden cart has seen a lot of action.

I find that act of plant to be so peaceful and rewarding.  

With a pot and a plant I can create something beautiful. 

The the back patio is mostly 'done' now except for my
strawberry pots on the far left. 

This is a perennial mimulus I bought last year called 'Clockwork Orange'. It resided outside all winter with no special protection and is now covered in bloom much to the delight of the hummers. 

For the past several years I've had a difficult time with this nook area.  It has morning shade, but is subject to harsh, hot late afternoon sun.  I've had shade plants there, but they've suffered from heat and burn.  So this year I went a different direction and have staged geraniums, lantanas, moss roses, and nemisias - all sun lovers.  I am hoping that they thrive there.  

The agaves have been in their summer patio position since mid-April.

This year I decided to re-site a few plants on the right side of the Mudroom flowerbed.

I moved tall plants to the back of the bed, and brought some shorter plants forward.  I also set out several new plants.  Two weeks later it still looks rather sad and barren, but come mid-June my hope is that it will be as lush as the left side of the bed.

On to the Front Porch which looks so clean and shiny since the power-washing. 

The porch is asymmetrical - this is the long section to the left of the front door. 

I was pleased to find several bronze-colored coleus.

One of the nurseries where I bought several fuchsias each year has closed, so my display of fuschias is smaller than in past years.

Here's a display of ferns and hostas - all of them in shades of shockingly bright light green.

Here's the 'short side' to the right of the front door.

Here I stage most of my ferns and hostas.

This pretty blue decorative bird house was a birthday gift. 

The contemplative turtle was a Christmas gift.

Fuchsias and begonias.

In October we bought a new maple tree.  I am in love with the size, shape, and bright green leaves.  I hope it thrives near the front bird feeders. I hope to do a better job posting my garden triumphs and failures for the rest of this year.


  1. I was happy to hear you haven't seen the bear for a while. Hope it stays away now! Love seeing all your lovely plants and gardens. I always admire people who are good with growing things!

  2. I have a thing for coleus. I am enjoying all of your plants. We had to cut back buying them this year due to money. Your new maple is awesome.

  3. It all looks lovely! Our growing season is during the winter. Too hot for much now though my moss roses are still blooming and the bougainvillea are really full and vibrant now, too.

  4. Oh I love seeing all your plants... 13 flats... my kinda gal. Today I planted about 60 wave petunias in my new flower boxes mixed with some lobelia and sweet potato vine... I wanted creeping jenny but couldn't find it at the places I shopped. I'm concentrating more on stuff in pots and window boxes this year. Still fighting with the deer over my rose bushes and the darn things pruned my hydrangea last night...grrrrrr... I'll be looking forward to mid summer pics. Right now my stuff looks a little puny but I have big hopes for big plants by July!

  5. So many plants! But my favorite is the Clockwork Orange mimulus--wowza!! I want that!! And I am off to see about it for here... Thanks for sharing as always! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.