Friday, May 13, 2016

A Blob and a Bird Walk

I'm embarrassed that this little blob of stitching is all I have to show.  It is the left edge of a Prairie Schooler design that will include flowers and a hummingbird.  Right now there's a bit of blue sky and a few leaves.

Wednesday morning, my Mom and I got up early to take part in a bird walk with a meeting time of 7:00am. 

The walk began in the forested bank along the Willamette River.
This Song Sparrow was already eating breakfast.

This might have been the coolest thing of the walk.
It is a Bushtit nest - something I have long desired to see.

Here's a Bushtit on the lower left.

The pair of birds were entering and exiting the nest as we watched.

I was so pleased to have the opportunity to observe them.

When we looked over at Skinner's Butte, we spied an Olive-siding Flycatcher. 

Meanwhile on the flats, a young Robin argued with a parent bird, before giving up and looking for its own food.

We climbed up the Butte through the forest and were reward with great views both of the city to the south, and the countryside to the east.

There was lots of bird activity at the top of the Butte including these Lesser Goldfinches.

There were American Goldfinches as well.

Top of the Butte Birds included a Red-tailed Hawk, Anna's Hummingbird, and a Band-tailed Pigeon. 

This time of year, not birding trip to Skinner's Butte is complete without a stop to observe the Bald Eagle nest just over the rim on north side. 

We were fortunate to have an adult fly in just as we gathered to look through our scope and binoculars.

We did not see the eaglet, perhaps he was taking a morning nap.

We returned to the top of the butte to see a couple of Turkey Vultures. 

I was pleased to find a female Western Tanager .  My first sighting of this bird.  I call it the Mother's Day Bird as often my first sighting is on or near Mother's Day.

We then headed back down the butte where we watched a female House Finch gathering nesting material.

Her mate watched from nearby, but did not help - men!
The Robins were nest building as well.

When we reached the bottom of the butte, this bird caught my eye.

I originally thought it might be a Scrub Jay, but when I looked at the photo on my computer, it was clear it was something else.  Turns out it is a male Cowbird.

The bird list for the 2 1/2 hour walk totaled 30 species, several of which I was not able to get photos of including a Red-tailed Hawk, Vaux's Swifts, and 
a Black-throated Gray Warbler. A super walk!


  1. What a wonderful walk with so many amazing birds! I can see why the stitching has to wait a bit.

  2. Great post about a great walk with LOADS of birds! Thanks for sharing!


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