Friday, April 1, 2016

Oh to Be Outside Now That April's Here

Design - "Happy St. Patty's"
Chart - "Little Cuties" Volume One
Designer - Val's Stuff  
Fabric - 30 count WDW Beige linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 29 March 2016
Completed - 31 March 2016

I managed to work in one more St' Patrick's Day stitch.  The "Little Cuties" chart has four designs - a snowman, Valentines, Easter, and this one.  I've stitched all four of the designs - so good value for the chart purchased.

On yesterday's post I neglected to set up the link for the Easter freebie from Le Chalet des Perelles. So here it is

I so enjoying watching and listening to the swallows.

Tree Swallows

Violet-green Swallows

Most mornings several Robins sing merrily.

While the Steller's Jays caw and croak.

Here's a handsome male House Finch.

This Robin got photo bombed by a California Quail.

Here's a quail couple.

Golden-crowned Sparrow

My White-throated Sparrow has left to spend the summer north in Canada.  Please say hello if you see him.  Now I have several White-crowned Sparrows as my Summer Birds.

I think they are quite handsome.

And I have a pair of Bushtits eating suet with some regularity.


  1. That's a cute finish. With all the new finishes you've had this month (well, last month now), you'll definitely have an Irish header next March!

  2. That white crowned sparrow is such a pretty bird. Your new header is lovely!!!! You do such a good job putting all your headers together. Thanks for the link to the freebie. Next March you will have so many designs to enjoy!

  3. We have lots of robins waking us up each morning. I much prefer birds singing over the alarm clock, lol. I enjoy your bird photos so much! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Love your header Beth! I promise I will say hello to the white crowned sparrows! :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.