Saturday, April 2, 2016

Spring Has Sprung

All the shades of green!
Dark green of Douglas fir on the front right.
Front left bright green of the Elderberry.
And in the back, glowing and growing, the Cottonwood.

Bunny hopes you had an enjoyable Easter.

Most days I have three chipmunks at the woodpile.

I got one of them to take some seeds from my hand!

They certainly enjoy the sunflower seeds.

I set out several small piles of seeds.

Delicate little hands holding a single seed.

One seed at a time - but the fat cheeks tell another story!

Love this pose!

And not to be left out - Gray Squirrels are pretty clever.


  1. Sweet pictures today. It is snowing here currently. :(

  2. Beth, I just laughed at the chippie doing the splits - great way to begin Saturday!

  3. Lovely new banner Beth. I do wish Spring would put in an appearance here in Scotland.

  4. Such sweet pictures today, and that squirrel certainly does seem to know what he's doing!

  5. Beautiful photos Beth! It has sprung up here too. We have spent time cleaning the garden. Thanks to the accident last Fall, nothing got done then!

  6. I was away last week - and we had a couple of wonderful autumn evenings - cool enough to sit outside with a jumper on, but warm enough to let you sit and watch the sunset.

    The seasons are working!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  7. Yes, gray squirrels are VERY clever! They have totally discouraged my neighbor from setting out seed for the birds... :( Spring is trying to come here... the pollen is awful! Today is really windy, after rain yesterday... I have taken my meds. Perhaps tomorrow we will plant the Rhododendrons! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.