Thursday, March 31, 2016

Good Friday Birds and Easter Stitch

Design - "Paques"
Designer - Le Chalet des Perelles
Fabric - 32 count unknown linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 27 March 2016
Completed -29 March 2016

I couldn't let March go by without one Easter stitch.  I like the quiet soothing tones of this design. It is a freebie and you can find it here.

And now on to Finley NWR -Part Two!

A Song Sparrow

The back side of a Marsh Wren.

Female Red-winged Blackbird

Male Red-winged Blackbird - they have such a pretty song!

All of the following birds were in the trees or at the feeders at the reserve's headquarters.

Scrub Jay and Starling

There were several houses set up for the Tree Swallows.

When the light is right, they are such a pretty blue.

The headquarters had a feeder for the hummers and lots of wild currents in bloom.

The Rufous Hummingbirds were hap-hap-happy!

It's always a pleasure to watch these guys.

I did not see any females, but the males return first to stake out territory.

The most exciting thing was watching this American Kestrel fly in with lunch!  

The Kestrel was a New to Me bird.

As it turned out, we were able to see several perched on the line along the road out of the reserve.

There were lots of Golden-crowned Sparrows at the feeders as well as Juncos.

It was neat to see a White-breasted Nuthatch too.  I do not often have one come by my feeders.

As we left we were able to watch this Northern Harrier hunting in a field.

A really super day!


  1. I love the soft blues of your Easter stitch - so pretty!

  2. Yes, I have this freebie printed off. It is gorgeous, isn't it?
    I just love watching the nuthatches march up and down our silver bark maple.

  3. Oh, I love those colors in your Easter finish, Beth--will definitely visit the site and print off the freebie... Thanks so much!

  4. Great freebie and WONDERFUL bird pics! Thanks so much. MaryO1230

  5. What an amazing collection of birds. There were several that I have never seen. It must have been so very interesting!!! I love that little stitch and will go and get the chart. Thank you!

  6. Great stitch, so pretty. And great bird pics, of course! Loved your last post too!

  7. What a pretty Easter stitch! The soft colors are so pretty. Thanks for the link.
    I can't get over how many birds you spot and all the great pics you get. So beautiful!
    Have a great weekend, Beth!

  8. Love that little Easter stitch. I always enjoy seeing your birding photos as well.

  9. Wow! You saw a great many good things! I love visiting our local NWR. I have to post some pictures, of the latest NWR we visited in SC a couple of weeks ago...Love the Easter stitch! Nicely done!


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