Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A Wednesday Wildflower Walk

After a few days of 80+ temperatures, I am happy that we are back in the low 70s.  This is April after all!  And because it is April, there are lots and lots of wildflowers blooming.  Come along with me...  

False Bugbane (Trautvetteria caroliniensis) is such a weird name.   

There are still some Small Flowered Trilliums (Trillium parviflorum) in bloom.

The Large False Solomon's Seal (Maianthemum racemosum) is peaking ow.

Here's a close up of the blossom.

Low to the ground the Wild Strawberries (Fragaria chiloensis) are in bloom.

I really like the delicate fringed flowers of the Slender Woodland Star (Lithophragma tenellum).

This is another low to the ground wildflower.  It was in the deep, moist shade.

Hooker's Fairybells (Disporum hookeri) - another funny name for a pretty flower.

I was not able to find a name for this either.  I am going to look at a couple of books to see if I can find the name.

This is Coast Manroot (Marah oreganus). The native vine grows along forest edges climbing shrubs and small trees.  IT has a fruit like a cucumber, but is bitter and not fit to eat.

I like Pacific Bleeding Heart (Dicentra formosa) more for its pretty foliage than the light pink flowers. 

This is some sort of Geranium.  Again growing in the deep, moist shade. 

How cool are fringed blooms of Western Meadowrue (Thalictrum occidentale)?

This is just plain old Field Mustard (Brassica rapa).

Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium).  We will have pretty purple berries in the fall.

Buttercups.  Need I say more?

Here's my on-going mystery flower.

I've even taken photos of this plant to wildflower festivals and no one knows what it is! I think it is a forget-me-not of some sort. 

I am loving all our Blue Oregon Iris (Iris tenax).  We have patches and clumps everywhere.

This has to be my favorite April wildflower.  It is commonly called Calypso Orchid, Fairy Slipper, Venus Slipper, Angel Slipper and Lady's Slipper.(Calypso bulbosa).

It is a tiny native wild orchid that grows in the duff and deep shade of the forest.  It's leaf is the wide, flat deep green on the far right of the photo, not the pale thin light green leaves in the forefront.  After it blooms, the plant all but disappears.  I am always thrilled to see this rare, shy flower.  

And as we walk through a sunny meadow on our way back home, we are greeted by the bright blooms of Menzie's Larkspur (Delphinium menziesii).

A good walk, don't you think?


  1. Beth, I do so enjoy our walks! You remind me to see the beauty all around me - thank you.

  2. Thanks for the beautiful wild flower walk. I need to go to a few of my favorite spots and look for some of our pretty wild flowers! Hasn't this weather been strange???!!! Four days of the 80's in April.


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