Thursday, April 21, 2016

A Majestic Bird

I picked a couple of small Sam Sarah bird stitches to work on next.
I changed from natural linen to Ice Blue Belfast as I wanted the fabric to be reflective of a spring day.

There is a pair of Bald Eagles nesting in Eugene, so my Mom, sister, and I went to have a look.

The nest is in this tree on the north side of Skinner's Butte.

The pair of eagles have successful hatched an eaglet.

When we visited, we did not see the eagle. 

Papa Eagle was away - hunting most probably.

Mama Eagle was on the nest and quite active.

I think that she was eating (not feeding the eaglet).

She's pretty majestic looking.

We decided that the eaglet was napping in the back of nest.

I fancy that here she's taking a look at her baby.

The eagles have their on page on Facebook: Skinners Butte Eagles. Take a look there are some wonderful photos of Mom, Dad, and Baby Bird.


  1. Absolutely wonderful
    The queen of the sky

  2. So majestic! Thanks for sharing the link too.

  3. I will definitely take a look at the web page. I am always thrilled to see Eagles. We are lucky and see them every so often up here near the water.


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