Tuesday, April 19, 2016

All A'Twitter

Design - "American Goldfinch"
Chart - "A Bird Collection -Part 1"
Designer - Heartstrings Samplings
Fabric - 32 count Picture This Plus Wren linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 13 April 2016
Completed - 17 April 2016

The only change I made to the design was to use a smyrna cross for the eyes. I think the colors are very true to the birds. 

I think he is very pleased with my latest stitch,and so is she!

My flock of Band-tailed Pigeons has grown.
Now anywhere from 14-18 gather together.

I still see lots of Black-capped Chickadees.

The fountain is popular.  Here a Pine Siskin and a Purple Finch drink communally.

With spring there's more singing going on.
The male House Finch has a pretty song.

I am no longer seeing Fox Sparrows.
I do still have lots of Golden-crowned Sparrows.

The Song Sparrows are living up to their name.

And I now see 3-5 White-crowned Sparrows most mornings.

My covey of California Quail varies from 12 to 30 members.

While I have a few bachelors, most have a partner and will begin nesting soon.


  1. You stitched piece is lovely!! I really enjoy seeing all those pretty birds!

  2. I have never seen a Quail in person and I enjoyed seeing it in your photos, along with other backyard birds.
    Have a Happy Day!
    Peace :)

  3. Lovely birds, stitched and real!

  4. Beth, your stitched finches are beautiful! Love the photos. It's so nice to hear the birds singing in the early morning.

  5. What a great stitching finish! Love it!!

  6. Really wonderful cross-stitch design! Loved your bird photos too. Especially enjoyed seeing those California Quail.

  7. What a wonderful series of images! You have a great collection of spring singers. I don't know anything about stitching but I know what looks good - and your Goldfinches look good!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.