Friday, April 22, 2016

Earth Day Squirrely Day Cat Day

Design - "Checkerbird" (kit)
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Summer Khaki linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 17 February 2010
Completed - 19 February 2010

I'm not quite ready to show any of my current stitching, so here's a Blast from the Past.  

This kit came with a pre-finished tuck pillow.

It's Earth Day today so let's see what's been happening outside. 

 We've had some unseasonably warm weather the past few days with temperatures in the mid-80's.

Hot enough that this gray squirrel decided to take a cooling respite atop my bird bath. 

Yes you!   

Get down off of there...

...or not.

Feisty, aren't you? 

There are peanuts on the woodpile!

I knew that would get you.

Thursday night a storm moved in and as the temperatures dropped we had some thunder and lightening.

Today the rain is continuing and the Hufflepuffs have decided it is an Indoor Day. 

Isn't Padma a sweetie?

The back of the couch has become a Favorite Spot.  
Now it's Parvati's turn.


  1. Lovely photos!

  2. The cats are so smart! A great way to spend a rainy day. The squirrel photos are so funny. I have never seen a squirrel do that.


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