Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Marching Along

Design - "A Bit of March"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Light Mocha Cashel
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 23 March 2016
Completed - 26 March 2016 

As you can see from the finish above, I am still marching along with St. Patrick's themed stitching!

Over the weekend I visited Gossler's Farm Nursery.  

Located along in Springfield, Oregon near the McKenzie River, the Gossler family has a dozen greenhouses of amazing plants.

They also have a lovely display garden.  

We received word that that the Magnolias were in full display.

So we went out to take a look.

Such bold blooms.

It was the perfect time to view them.

Every place of business needs a helpful dog or cat.

Benny was darling! Shepherd and Corgi don't you think?

The gardens were filled with other plants and shrubs and trees, most of which I cannot identify.

This is a Redbud.

Very pretty and it smelled wonderful too!

A wonderful mossy bench.

A hybrid Fawn Lily.

A nice display of plants and a pot.

A conifer with new cones.

And because the nursery is close to the river, I was able to watch this Osprey. Osprey are super fishermen and site their nests near rivers.


  1. What a cute March finish, Beth! I got absolutely no March themed stitching done this month... Lovely flowering trees! Ours are out, too--a very early spring here in western PA and I'm loving it!

  2. What a great place to visit to see varied and unusual plants. Some so pretty. We have osprey here as well also situated near water for the fish. That's one amazing nest!

  3. Sweet, little March piece Beth. Benny is so adorable. I could just squeeze him! A gorgeous tour of the nursery.

  4. What a wonderful place to visit. The dog just made it perfect!!!

  5. Thanks for bringing us on your visit to Springfield. What great Magnolias! And yes, I think there is Corgi in the dog, but maybe Shelty...? We were looking at buying a Redbud, but changed our minds about getting a tree for now... We did get 5 Rhododendrons to replace the Azaleas that are not doing well at all... Hoping they will thrive! I also got a Clematis and have it in a pot for now... But I really like those Hybrid Fawn Lilies!! Hmmmmm.... Hugs!


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