Monday, March 14, 2016

A Monday in March

It has taken me forever to start stitching anything this month.  I spent part of the weekend working on organizing my craft room. Someone asked if I'd loan a chart, and I cannot for the life of me find the chart in question.  I put away all my floss from the last couple of dozen projects, so now I'll start on the charts and see if I can unearth the chart in question. I also need to dig out the fabric for the next couple of March stitching projects.  That's what rainy days are for, right? 

Rainy days are not great for photographing birds.
I had three large Band-tailed Pigeons come by. 

I much preferred the flock of over 30 Pine Siskins.

I did not have enough room at the feeders to accommodate everyone. 

They are such pretty delicate little birds with their touch of bright yellow.

I continue to have multiple Chestnut-backed Chickadees as well as Black-capped Chickadees.

I think the male House Finches are getting brighter as spring approaches and courting begins.

I do wonder how much longer I will see my White-throated Sparrow. They breed up in Canada so should be leaving in the next few weeks. 

There's a chance the Fox Sparrows will stick around. We are on the edge of their breeding range which is further to the east.  

There's no getting rid of the Scrub Jays.  They like it here just fine all year long.


  1. I wonder if your white throated sparrow will make its way to my yard here in Ontario. We have several nesting pairs every summer. Your spring is further advanced than us. Though with rain and mild temps. all this week, we should be on our way. Fingers crossed! Happy Organizing.

  2. As always, so many beautiful bird pictures. I can't get over all of those little birds hovering in line at the bird feeder!
    That Scrub Jay (blue one) is so pretty.

    We just put up a rather large bird house that I will try to remember to photograph and post on my blog. I am awaiting the arrival of some "renters" at this new bird house. Hopefully, I can snap sone bird pictures to share.

    Wish I had the motivation to tidy all of my "stuff". I can't find the motivation to free my coffee table of the many skeins of floss, scissors, and patterns never mind trying to organize the nightmare lurking in my craft room! Hope you find the pattern you are searching for.

  3. I will watch for the white-throated sparrow, and say 'hello' when I see him!

  4. Love the pictures of the birds... oh sometimes getting started on a new project is the hardest part. Hope you find the chart you're looking for... I have one that has gone astray somewhere in my house too.

  5. I just love the way the backgrounds look when you photograph the birds!I hope you found the chart. I have often done the same thing. Usually the chart shows up in a space I would not have guessed. Sometimes I have to question why I file things the way I do.

  6. ohhh lots of pretty birds to ooo and ahhhh over ... bet the songs are lovely :) love mouse xxxx

  7. I was surprised to see sparrows in my yard yesterday... they have further to go from here, for their breeding time! Better get moving! Apparently we still have the flock of Cedar Waxwings around here, but I have not seen them... Love seeing the flock of Pine Siskins! The yellow does stand out on them...Hugs!


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