Sunday, March 13, 2016

Serene Sunday

About a mile from our house, neighbors have lovely drifts of daffodils planted beneath oaks.

There are two varieties - these yellow are the earliest to bloom.  
As they begin to fade, the second variety, a pale yellow/cream will take over.

We've had so many rainy days, it was nice to have a break that allowed me to get out and see them.

They've gracefully naturalized for over twenty years now.

The woman who originally planted them has passed on. Her daffodils are wonderful memorial.   

Close by another neighbor has a large barn.
All the many times I've driven by, I've never noticed this wooden quilt blocks on the side of the barn. 

The plum trees are the first to bloom.

They are wonderfully fluffy clouds of white.

And they provide much needed food for pollinators.

We will have blossoms for a couple of weeks yet.

We too have several varieties of daffodils in bloom.

And a small patch of naturalized grape hyacinths.


  1. Beth, today was such a pretty post. I really like those barn quilts!

  2. Oh, spring has definitely sprung in your part of the world, Beth! I just love the wooden quilts and the oceans of daffodils are breathtaking. It's been so warm here this month, we might actually have a few blooming next week, too :)

  3. Wonderful flowers
    So beautiful
    I adore their perfume

  4. So many beautiful sights!!Spring is always welcomed. Wind today 137,000 with no power. We, surprisingly,have kept it. Things are beginning to quiet down.


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