Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Productive Day

A couple of very rainy days have kept me inside.  I managed to organize all my floss and unearth the various linens I need for March stitches.  

It was a pleasant surprise to have blue skies for an hour or two.
I think this is the best shot I've managed yet of the migrating Canada Geese.

With heavy rains, only my most stalwart birds like this Chestnut-backed Chickadee come to the feeders.

I do see Fox Sparrows and...

...Spotted Towhees in the morning. 

The Juncos are winter-hardy and out and about no matter the weather.

I like this photo as it shows the size comparison and different body types on the small sleek Pine Siskin, and the larger heavier House Finch.

The Mourning Doves do not like the rain. They will be happy when we finally get a break come Wednesday.


  1. I'm glad you got organized. Did you find your missing pattern?

  2. You had a very productive day. I don't enjoy all that organizing. I think that's why I do big projects.

  3. That sounds like a lovely day!

  4. That sounds like a lovely day!

  5. It's so nice to see blue skies again -- even if only for a short time. Great shot of the Pine Siskin and the House Finch! Funny that the Mourning Doves don't like rain because around here, whenever anyone hears a Mourning Dove cooing, they say the doves are calling for rain or that rain is coming.

  6. I have the St. Patrick's Bird, but... sadly, did not get around to stitching it. And Easter too... no way will I get it done in time... so, moving on to a new start! I surely do love to see the Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Great colors! I have a whole family of Carolina Chickadees visiting me... all different sizes. I might look into getting that type of feeder, tho I am not sure if the grackles and cowbirds will stay off it! They are such pests! Thanks for sharing on your rainy day!


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