Sunday, February 7, 2016

Weekend Critters

I think I need to move this feeder.  The lid just rests on it, so the gray squirrels tip it up and dive in!

This morning I counted four chipmunks. 



Two again


and four.

And I've lost track of the number!

Only one bunny out and about.

A long bunny!

Watch out for hawks bunny!


  1. Love seeing all your wildlife pictures! Beautiful!

  2. Such lovely pictures, the chipmunks are adorable

  3. I'd love to be able to watch these little creatures - well, maybe not the rabbit - they are a real pest here.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  4. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. I just adore the chipmunks. We don't have them in the UK. Thanks again. Best, CrossedPawsDesign

  5. Oh yes, you need to move the feeder. That is one plump squirrel.

  6. Yes, definitely not safe from the rascally squirrel! My neighbor put up a feeder to attract Cardinals (and other birds tho she really only wants Cardinals...???) but it is on a short hook, so they can just jump up to the feeder since it is at about four feet. And they do!! OR they can jump from the porch railing she has it by... They wiped it clean in one day! I try... she doesn't listen all the time... Thanks for sharing the chipmunk shots... they are a fave! Hugs!


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