Monday, February 8, 2016

Count Your Stitches Count Your Birds

I've started stitching a small Heart in Hand Valentine piece. I might be able to finish it up today.  

As many of you long-time Followers know, I not only count my stitches, but I also count my birds.  This Friday through Monday is the annual Great Backyard Bird Count.  I encourage everyone to click the link and check it out. It is a Citizens' Science project where birders of all skill levels submit their data - basically the birds that they see in a 15 minute (or more) period of time in their yards.  If you are an apartment dweller, you could submit data from a walk in your local park.  I think it is good fun and I enjoy taking part each year.

Here are some of the birds that you might see:   

American Robins

Female House Finch and Oregon Junco 

Male House Finch

Bickering House Finches

Now they are done arguing!

Spotted Towhee

Male California Quail

Female California Quail

California Quail Group


  1. Amazing that it's that time again -- to count your birds. Good luck with it. Love seeing them all!

  2. Lovely Valentine stitch! I really like those Towhee birds. I'd never heard of them before I followed your blog.

  3. That is one plump towhee!!
    The male house finch is such a pretty color...and I love the little spat and make up photos! Too fun!
    I've always thought quail were so interesting...they're around here pretty often!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.