Saturday, February 6, 2016

It's Trail Camera Time!

 As might be expected, January was a quiet month. 

Dim light and short days made for few photos.

The deer were out and about.

As were the squirrels.

And we did get a couple of photos of a Bob-cat.

Nothing during daylight hours this month.

We purchased a second camera and set it up in the backyard to test it out.

As expected, we got lots and lots of deer photos.

Just under 1000 photographs.

Padma also strolled by.

The deer were watching something interesting here.

Maybe a cat.  Do you see the photo-bombing Junco flying by?

Five deer here.

Parvati also made an appearance!


  1. It's amazing to see how many deer you can have in your yard at one time. Some mornings, just before sunrise, we'll surprise a large gathering in our garden. Eating their heads off!....I think we will be fencing the yard this year.

  2. Trail Camera time is my favourite time of the month! :) Thank you for all the great photos!

  3. I always enjoy the trail photos! Yhe cats are so cute!

  4. ha ha! The backyard cam is fun. In the first photo you show, what is that bird on the right? Looks like a hen!

  5. I always enjoy your trail cam pics. How fun to see what's happening closer to the house too. Thank goodness you only saw deer, cats and birds and some other wild animal!

  6. I always look forward to your trail cam pictures! You have such interesting surroundings and critters! Looks like the deer are mighty close to your house! Such fun!

  7. I also enjoy seeing the trail cams... And also wondered if that was a chicken or was it one of the pheasants? Hugs!


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