Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Walking in the New Year

We've had every sort of weather imaginable even though the year is but a few days old.

We started out with rain and then cold.

With all the December rain, the mosses...

...and lichens are healthy and happy.

The Big Creek is full and fast.

The mushroom is called Turkey Tail.

I cleared off some leaves to give these mushrooms some breathing room.

Look how much they've grown in a week's time!

I always enjoy the bright green of the ferns.

Ferns and a moss covered log over the Big Creek.

Still have some rose hips.

We then transitioned into freezing rain.

Fortunately it did not last long.

It's pretty, but can be very destructive.

The ice sparkles like little lights.

We took the outdoors as our decorating theme for the holidays.
We had a mini forest in the dining room.

This tree had miniature Hallmark bird ornaments.

Forest themed ornaments.

Even the tree in the family room became a forest themed tree this year.

I literally brought the outdoors inside with informal bouquets of Douglas fir, teasel, holly, Oregon Grape, rose hips, Osier Dogwood, and Hazel.


  1. Fabulous photographs.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  2. I love these green posts. I think your green arrangement is fantastic Beth.

  3. I love your mushroom pics :)
    And all the pic of the ferns, moss, lichens. BEAUTIFUL!
    Your inside pics are as gorgeous as the outside!

  4. I just. Love your photos and to your stitching. Your blog is a delight to read!
    Have a happy day,

  5. Wow! Love your Xmas trees! MaryO

  6. What a lovely walk and the holiday decorations are so lovely.
    So, it has been a couple of years...are you planning any trips?

  7. Pictures are fantastic congratulations
    You are very talented
    Christmas ornaments are wonderful

  8. All of your indoor trees are wonderful. We are so lucky to live in an area where we can go into the back yard and get wonderful greens. I heard about the ice in Portland. We were just very cold. Today was beautiful. Since part of my PT is walking 1/2 hour a day, I did it outside and really enjoyed myself!

  9. Thanks for the walk around outside! It's nice to see green, although we still have mostly green grass here since we have had so much rain. Your indoor forest is lovely and the bouquet is beautiful!

  10. The photos from your walk are just beautiful!!!
    My heart skipped a beat when I saw your wonderful "nature" trees!! Stunning! I have a 'tree weakness' so I was very enthralled with them--It looks like a glittery forest! I just love them all!!!

  11. Yes, the weather has been quite different these past few weeks. It was in the 60's for Christmas, dropped to 40's a bit, up to 50's, and today it will be 66! But by Wednesday, it will be in the 30's!! I wonder if the birds get as confused as we do? Your frost pictures are wonderful! As are the mushrooms and lichen ones... you have such a talent to get good shots! Love the Christmas trees... cute birdie ornaments on the one! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.