Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2015 Final Finish + An Acorn Adventure

Design - "Celebrate!"
Chart - "Tiny Tidings XIX"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Amber linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 23 December 2015
Completed - 31 December 2015

It's past time to share my final 2015 finish with you, but as we had a bit of snow, sleet and freezing rain Sunday and Monday, reindeer are still pretty seasonal!

The month of December 2015 was one storm after another.  Lots of rain and lots of wind.  While we were fortunate enough to escape any flooding or downed trees, my Acorn Woodpeckers did not escape unscathed.     

On the morning of December 23rd I stepped outside to look around and noticed that the top 20 feet or so of the Acorns' granary tree had broken off!
Compare this photo to the one above and you can see just how much is gone.

I got a little hysterical as I did not immediately see the birds.  I worried that they'd become homeless and might move elsewhere. But in the next couple of days the Acorn Woodpeckers slowly reappeared at my feeders and were active one again stashing peanuts in their granary tree.

I certainly would sorely miss these characters if they moved elsewhere!

I have two males...

...and one female for sure.

I maintain that this guy with the messy 'Mohawk' is the juvenile. 

And this is the adult male.

Here the female perches above the two guys.

With our nasty weather the birds have been a bit more tolerant and allowed the Starlings to eat unmolested.

I don't often see this as the Acorns normally chase off the Starlings. 


  1. I'm learning so much about birds from your blog, as well as enjoying your stitchery!

  2. I have a red bellied woodpecker that takes my peanuts & hides them under the boards of my neighbors deck. He makes MANY trips hiding them. Do you think he comes back & eats them?? Love your little reindeer!!!

  3. Beautiful! When I lived in Connecticut we had woodpeckers... I expect they're here in California too, but not where I live! Thank you for this lovely blog! MaryO

  4. Your reindeer is so joyful! Happy New Year!

  5. The birds are fabulous. Happy New Year. I am home now from my trip to Malawi but thanks for leaving me all the comments when I was away.

  6. That is a super little finish, and the woodpeckers are beautiful

  7. Sweet finish! Such a happy guy!
    So glad that the clowns are ok!

  8. Phew! So glad they are still there. Wow, they have really done a number on that tree! How wonderful that you have visitors even into the winter.

  9. Happy you survived all the storms Happy birding in 2016

  10. Dang starlings, grackles, and cowbirds (for me)! Too bad about the tree... but I'm glad the Acorn woodpeckers are back to normal! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.