Saturday, November 28, 2015

Very Cold and Frosty

Even though we have had several cold frosty nights dipping as low as 19°F,

...the chipmunks continue to greet me in the morning.

I've felt sorry for them, and have been treating them to some peanuts as well as sunflower seeds.

While sunflower seeds are always welcome, 

...peanuts are a special treat.


Never eat a sunflower seed...

...when you can be eating a peanut instead!

I think you should be sleeping away during this cold weather. 


  1. Spoiled! That is what it must be! They have it so very good with you, they just cannot go to sleep yet. :D

  2. They are so cute and let you get so close! They must appreciate the peanuts.

  3. Definitely spoiled! But terribly cute!!!

  4. The peanuts have lots of fat so should help with keeping them alive in this cold. The temps are much the same up here.


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