Sunday, November 29, 2015

Cold Critters

I wonder if it makes the bunny's teeth ache to munch on frosty grass.

Do his feet get cold?

"What do you think?, "He replies. 

The deer have nice thick coats.

The fawns even seem to be a bit frisky in the brisk weather.

They are going into the winter fat and healthy.

And apparently munching on frost-covered grass is not an issue.

"Seriously?, she says!


  1. Amazing pics Beth! I wish it was frosty here, we hit 70 yesterday. My internal thermometer can't keep up. I wish it would stay cold.
    Happy Sunday!

  2. Hi there, Littler Grandson and I keep a bag of "chipmunk food' to feed the two chipmunks that live in their woodpile, which is actually one of those ornamental ones, but the chipmunks don't know that, lol. It is peanuts and they always reward us by coming out to pick them up. Such fun to watch them. Thanks for sharing your photos.

  3. Photos speak: animals are so lovely
    Thank you very much
    These photos are precious

  4. Hope all the animals do ok with the cold weather. I'm not ready for winter, but it seems they are.

  5. Beautiful photos. Maybe frozen grass is like ice cream to deer! We are deep in frozen fog today!

  6. hahaha! I was thinking the same thing as Barb. Maybe it is a treat.

  7. I often wonder how the small animals make it through the night - and I have never lived anywhere that had a seriously cold winter.
    Maybe they just don't feel the cold!?

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  8. The bunny and deer look great! I hope they do well over the winter.


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