Friday, November 27, 2015

The Day After

I hope no one had quail for dinner yesterday!


  1. Oh nooooooo
    It is absolutely lovely
    To kiss and not to eat :-)

  2. No Way! They are way too pretty to eat!

  3. Wow! This looks like a picture postcard -- just lovely! Of course I love quail. :D Love your post from yesterday too. What a lovely pic! Hope you had a good Thanksgiving!

  4. Beautiful quail! A day late but hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. It was the first Thanksgiving I remember wearing a short sleeved top, high of 67 yesterday! Last weekend we had lows in the mid 20's and barely made it to the 40's for highs. This is some crazy Kentucky weather!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.