Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Tuesday Before Thanksgiving

Design - "Thanksgiving Sampler" (kit)
Designer - Heart in Hand
 Fabric - 32 count Clay Belfast linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 16 November 2011
Completed - 20 November 2011

As I do not have any stitching progress to share, let's take a look at a stitch from the recent past. So many different things are demanding my attention - my time to stitch has contracted to next to nothing. 

One of those things has been getting to all my late fall / early winter gardening chores.  As you can see we've had a hard frost.

The zinnias which were once so bright and cheery...

...are now brown and done for the year.

Many of the plants in the mudroom flowerbed including the Black and Blue Salvia were killed by the frost.  The pink salvia on the left is still hanging on much to the delight of my Anna's Hummingbirds.

And on the trellis on the back left, the winter clematis "Wisley" has just begun to bloom. 

Besides finishing off many of the tender annuals, a hard frost can be lovely too. Here it serve to perfectly delineate the leaf pattern of this fern. 

The verbena bonariensis is another annual that is done for the year.

I will let the plants stay as the finches will pick them over for any stray seeds.

The frost added texture to this mullein.  

And look at how pretty this new Japanese maple is!

This young tree will have pride of place at the front of our house.

With a cold spell coming up mid-week I am so glad that my mother and I were able to get everything put safely away and protected.  Thanks Mom! 


  1. So the frost is finally catching up to you hey? Glad you and your mom make such a good team!

  2. Winter is arriving ....
    Also in North Italy :-)

  3. Frost really does make everything look gorgeous (aside from the fact that it kills everything).
    Love your cross stitch...I am thinking I may have to have some turkeys.

  4. Feels like winter has settled in here too. Glad you were able to get everything put away and protected.

    Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. love your finish, it is so beautiful ♥

  6. Boy, I hope I have this one too!! Love it--LOTS! We have had a frost or two here, also, so my flowers are mostly all gone. I was thinking that I would let the sparrows get them to, but I am not sure they know they are there! I may put some spent stems on the side where they have been feeding, and see how that goes... Happy Thanksgiving!


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