Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Further Frost

Our weather is changing and getting colder. We are to have lows of 24-25F the next three nights.  

Let's take a walk before the temperatures drop!

It is a frosty morning. Do you have your scarf and mittens handy?

This has been a good fall for mushrooms.

Even blackberry leaves are pretty when frost-covered.

Frost can turn the grass into a miniature alien forest. 

It adds a crisp white edge to the hazel leaves.

And turns last year's fern fronds into things of beauty.

Frost serves to accentuate the smallest of details.

And stops your eye at things you might not otherwise notice.

Beauty is in the most ordinary of objects.


  1. So beautiful. Our frost only ever seems to stick to the car windows - not so beautiful!

  2. What a beautiful frosty walk!!!! Very cold here too!

  3. Everything looks so pretty with the frost!

  4. Thank you for the frosty walk through your woods -- beautiful!

  5. I just love all your macro looks at plants and flowers. The close up views reveal amazing textures and such beauty. Nature is amazing and you are a good hand with the camera to capture it. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Such pretty frost pictures! I am inspired to get out earlier and get some great shots now too! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.