Monday, November 23, 2015

November Birds

As you see I am working on a Prairie Schooler turkey.  I don't think that I will have it done before the Big Day, but I'll show it off when I do get it finished. 

I've had Cooper's Hawks, and Sharp-shinned Hawks, and this hawk - maybe a Red-tailed Hawk.

I have lots of Steller's Jays this month.

The infamous red-eyed Towhee.

Lots of Golden-crowned Sparrows.  I am still waiting for the White-crowned Sparrows to show up.

I have easily a dozen Oregon Juncos. 

Small and rather argumentative, they are one of my favorite winter birds. 

Who is your favorite winter bird Parvati? 


  1. Great colors in that turkey stitch.
    Love looking at Stellar's Jays.

  2. I not sure Pav would go for the hawks! Great set of pictures.

    Hawks in general can be hard to ID - too many different ages and stages.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. What fabulous pictures! I can't get over the red eyes on the Towhee! I really love the juncos - ours are black and white. Great picture of the scrub jay and the hawk.
    Your turkey is looking great Beth!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.