Saturday, October 24, 2015

A Lovely Autumn Day

Haven't the twins grown?  They are 3/4 sized deer now.

And they look very handsome posed next to a Sweetgum.

Chippies are just plain cute.

Long tail casually draped down. 

He looks like he is eating corn on the cob!

Sunflower seeds!

Pretty brown eyes and whiskers - tough to top that! 


  1. Madeleine and I both shared the cuteness of this post this morning. :D

  2. You caught those chipmunks perfectly. So cute!
    I don't think I've ever seem a Sweet Gum tree - so pretty.

  3. Love both the stitching projects and your photos of all the little critters, both b put a smile on my face- Thanks!!

  4. Oh my...
    Your photos are fantastic
    Animals are so lovely


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.