Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday - More Deer

The other evening we had some rain and the twins came by.

Like human twins, they have a close relationship...  

...and even groom one another.

One stands while the other decides to chew his cud.

"Where are you going bro?"

"Oh wait!  I think I see one of those crazy cat creatures!"

"My nose itches!"

Okay let's move on.


  1. We see twins here too and they are do appealing. You're right - so much like human twins!

  2. The twins are so sweet! Love seeing them so much.

  3. How precious! I think deer are just so beautiful!

  4. What great animals to see - unfortunately deer are a bit of a pest here - not native and do a lot of damage.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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