Sunday, September 13, 2015

Gleaming and Glittering

It's been a week now since I've seen a Rufous Hummingbird. But I cannot complain as there are several Anna's about, perhaps 4 or 5.

Light is everything when photographing hummers.

Sometimes they appear quiet and muted.

The color almost washed out.

Then BAM!  The light changes and they gleam and glow. 

And DO they have an attitude!

Yes, they do!

I have to say my purple Salvia is the favorite food right now.

Almost all my feeding shots are of this plant.

Next spring I should purchase a couple more.

I think my Anna's count includes three females, a mature male, and this juvenile male.

He is just beginning to get his ruby throat and head feathers.


  1. Gorgeous pictures of the hummers Beth! It's amazing how the light changes their appearance but no matter the lighting, they are one amazing little bird. You captured the attitude beautifully!

  2. Such lovely birds. I could look at hummingbirds all day. I'm trying to remember what plant it was that my grandmother had in her front lawn that the hummers liked. Can't get the image.

  3. A lovely set of photos Beth. You captured the iridescent plumage really well. We don't have any hummers in the UK, wish we did.

  4. A lovely set of photos Beth. You captured the iridescent plumage really well. We don't have any hummers in the UK, wish we did.

  5. A lovely set of photos Beth. You captured the iridescent plumage really well. We don't have any hummers in the UK, wish we did.

  6. I just love seeing your hummingbird pictures. They really show how amazing and colorful that little bird is.

  7. Lovely photos and good information. I too have salvia, but I don't get very good hummer photos... Too fast for me... Michelle

  8. I am on the Texas Gulf Coast and the hummingbirds are migrating through right now. They do love salvia, both purple and red. And they love my bottlebrush bushes. And you are right, they do have attitude!!


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