Monday, September 14, 2015

Up High and Down Low

I don't have much in the way of stitching progress to show, so let's take a look at what my Mom has been up to.  She's working on a Lizzie Kate 'stamp' stitch for the month of July and is doing a great job.

With the coming of autumn, I am seeing more hawks more frequently.

The Steller's Jays can mimic the cry of a hawk perfectly.

The Red-tailed Hawks are not a bother, but the smaller ones like this Sharp-shinned Hawk prey on small song birds. 

I think this is probably my last photo of a Western Wood Pewee as they are only summer visitors.

I still have LOTS of California Quail including some rather scruffy looking adolescent birds.  

This youngster is much better kept.

Mama Quail

Papa Quail

Papa and Mama

Baby Quail and Mama Quail

Baby Quail
This family has the youngest and littlest chicks by far.  They started out with four chicks and are now down to two. 

Who's to blame you ask?


  1. Oh I like the piece your mom is stitching up. :)

  2. Love all the bird pics. You must have a good camera.

  3. Your Mom is doing some great stitching. What fun to see the little quails growing up!

  4. Your Mum's stitching is so neat! Must be fun to share a hobby.

  5. Beautiful design your mom is stitching and looking very pretty.
    I love all your beautiful photos. love Annette

  6. Your bird pics are fabulous! Thank you!

    San Pedro, CA


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