Saturday, September 12, 2015

Saturday Furries

Curious as a Fawn.
That should be a saying.

And what has grabbed this one's attention?

Parvati Patel that's who.

Parvati was playing Lion King atop Pride Rock overlooking the compost pile and the big bird feeder and woodpile.

Most mornings there are three or four chipmunks waiting for me on the woodpile.  

They seem to be fat and healthy.

Chipmunk cheeks!

I won't see much of them if we have a cold hard winter.

Not as many bunnies now as we had earlier in the summer. 


  1. I'm behind on blog reading again. Loved your woodpecker post, and this furry one too!

  2. What cute little chip0munks! It is so funny too see how the cat watches the deer!

  3. Aren't those fawns the sweetest things?!


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