Monday, August 24, 2015

Under Construction

Another ark is under construction.  If you look at the chart, I am working on the design on the far left. It is a stocking, but I am not making a stocking cuz' that's how I roll!

After a couple of scorching days, Padma is enjoy the cooler (80s) temperatures.

I think the birds are as well.

I've had lots of activity at the feeders lately.

Including over 45 American Goldfinches. 

The Black-headed Grosbeaks have mostly departed on their southern journey Mexico.  I occasionally see or hear a bird, but not often.  I did see and hear an Evening Grosbeak on Thursday, but that might have been a one-off.

I have three California Quail families that come by regularly.
My Big Family of 28 kids is the most frequent visitor.
The kids are mature enough now I can easily tell the males from the females. 

I also have a family of two guys, a gal, and four kids.

And then this single Mom with four tiny babies.

She was keeping a close eye on her chicks.

I am also seeing groups of Cedar Waxwings.

Here's a mature bird with the wonderful mask features on around the eyes and the distinctive crest and yellow-tipped tail feathers.

I am also seeing juvenile birds.

The crest and mask are not yet well defined, and the yellow on the tail feather is just beginning to appear.

They are in their ugly adolescent stage, but will become handsome birds when they mature.  A lesson for us all!


  1. The pattern looks great! Padma still looks warm.

  2. Alma Lynne...oldie but a goodie :) Can't wait to see the Ark grow!

  3. Glad to hear you are having cooler temps. We have temps in the low 70's right now, which is very unusual for August when our normal temps are the upper 80's/low 90's. Can't wait to see your progress on the ark.

  4. You are off to a good start. We have a bird bath but I am wondering how the other wildlife are managing to find water this summer.

  5. I'm very happy to have found your informative blog, not only is your work beautiful, but so is your garden. Love to see the quail which are my favorite. I'd like to ask you how you mount your material on your frame, I'm always struggling with this, thanks Charlene

  6. Wow! 28 kids of quail baby's! Like your new start! love Annette


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