Sunday, August 23, 2015

Humming Along on Sunday

Lots and lots of Hummers this week.

They've been active in the flowers

Working away

Perched on a flower

Perched on a fence


Back to flowers

Female Anna watching...

...and waiting...

...while the light shines on her feathers.

Anna hovering...

...and eating.

A female Rufous with the same game plan...

...and the same menu item.

Perched high atop a tree

Female Anna at the feeder

My wonderful surprise this week was the first sighting in a couple of months of a male Anna's Hummingbird.

Note the dark feathers on the head - when they catch the light they will all gleam pinky / fuchsia.

Ready for take-off!


  1. As I have said before Beth, I think you could win prizes with your hummingbird pictures. They are so amazing! I especially love the ones with the moving wings!

  2. My grandchildren and I love your animal pictures but really love the hummingbirds the best.

  3. Lovely pictures as always, Beth! I really love the colors in the hummer in the first photo.

  4. Your hummingbird photos are amazing! How do you manage to get such great shots of them? They move way too fast for me to even get my camera focused, lol.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.