Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A Rainbow of Colors

Design - "For Forty Days and Forty Nights"
Chart - "Noah's Guardian Angel"
Designer - Curtis Boehringer
Fabric - 28 count Putty linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 17 August 2015
Completed - 18 August 2015

Love, love, love this design!  It was fun to stitch and have it the rainbow revealed.  The chart has no photos and is in black and white. so gave no clue as to the look of the finished design. The chart called for DMC Flower Thread which is no longer manufactured.  And while I do have some Flower Thread, I did not have all the called for colors.  But Google came through for me and I was able to find a conversion chart from Flower Thread to 'regular' DMC. I am considering adding a JABC button or two - Noah and an ark. Any thoughts?  

This week for the Tuesday Garden Party and Maple Hill Blog Hop I thought I'd share some of the plants that are at their best in mid-August - or at least are blooming despite the hot, dry summer. Interestingly there is a rainbow of colors in bloom.  

Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm'

Certainly not looking their best any longer, but worthy of a photo as any sweetpea that has withstood days and days of 90+ temps is a real trooper!

Lobelia tupa
A very tall, very late autumnal blooming lobelia. 

Lobelia laxiflora

Sunflower "Giant Sungold"

A mix of morning glories.

Morning Glory "Heavenly Blue"

Cuphea of some sort - no tag

Begonia - unknown
Love the polka dotted leaves

Mimulus aurantiacus "Curious Orange"

Ratibida columnifera "Mexican Hat"

Strepocarpus of some sort

Lilies and rudbeckia

Salvia "La Trinidad" and "Black and Blue"

These begonias looked a bit better before the deer climbed the steps of the Front Porch and munched on them.  I now have a barricade of four chairs across the steps to keep them out.   

I bought my first pansy!

Green is always cool looking on hot days.

Fuchsia x speciosa
This has large velvety green leaves as well as cool looking blooms.

A bowl of purple plants.
Brachycome "Mauve", Heliotrope "Marino Blue", and Angelonia "Archangel Purple".

Passion Flower
Passiflora hybrid "Aphrodite's Purple Nightie"
Oh what an awful name for a lovely plant!

A volunteer!

And that's what's blooming at its best this week.


  1. I love that pattern as well! I think it looks great button free personally.
    I love that sunflower! What a beauty!

  2. Lovely flowers! They remind me of my grandmother's garden, especially the dotted begonia and the sweetpeas.

  3. That is an adorable finish, Beth! I really love the colors. Beautiful flowers! The polka dot leaves on the begonias are neat; I would have thought there was something wrong with the plant :-) Sorry the deer got your other ones. Hee, hee, Aphrodite's Purple Nightie! Just plain silly.

  4. So much beautiful color! Those sunflowers remind me of the "Teddy Bear" variety. They look furry!

    Thank you for joining us on The Maple Hill Hop!

  5. Lovely rainbows - both stitched and in your garden!

  6. Yay! That really looks great--no need for anything more in my humble opinion. I am astonished at that beautiful sunflower--gorgeous!!!

  7. What a lovely stitch and I love the colors too! Thanks for sharing all the beautiful flowers.

  8. olá vim conhecer seu blog e amei as flores um abraço do Brasil

  9. Hey that was fun! Stitching from a black&white chart sounds like a fun mystery! Your plants look beautiful! Did you grow any from seeds? Dollar General has 90% off their seeds, .02 & .05 each packet! love Annette

  10. Such wonderful colors you have!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.