Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Stitching Frenzy and Garden Delight

Design - "White"
Kit Pack - "The Americana Collection"
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 32 count Summer Khaki linen
Fibers - DMC & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - Several years ago
Completed - August 2015

A Big Shout Out to my Mom!  She started stitching this design several years ago, and then found that after cataract surgery that she could no longer 'see' the squares in linen. So she set it aside unfinished. This past week, she decided to attempt a finish, and after lots of frogging and 'redos', she finished stitching the design.  Wahoo!

And just like that it's time again for the Tuesday Garden Party and Maple Hill Blog Hop. Throughout the summer the Hardy Plant Society has had open gardens for their members to visit.    

We visited a small residential garden on Saturday.

The front yard is in full sun...

...and the pallet is bold and bright...

...and includes sun-lovers like dahlias... 

...and bananas!

The side of the house transitions from full sun...  

...to partial sun...

...to dappled sun...

...and finally to deep shade in the small back yard.

Loved this piece of garden art!

I know next to nothing about abutilons, but know I like them!

A delicate hardy fuchsia.

In just ten year's time, the foundation plants - scrubs and trees have reached mature size.

I like how some plants are able to light up the dark shade.

This fern does that as well.

I wonder if there was a tenant this year.

Who cares what the blossom looks like, the rhododendron leaves are pretty all on their own. 

I like gardens with whimsical garden art.

Another pretty rhododendron.

Fantastic garden art.

I think this clematis was my favorite plant.
The lesson - even the smallest of residential gardens can have different micro-climates and be chock-o-block full of great plants!  


  1. Hooray for your mom. :)
    Wow! I am in love with all the pink in this garden.♥

  2. Whoo HOO Beth's Mom! Way to go! YES!!!
    Love the garden and the art within :) The one reminds me of thread spools strung on a pole :)

  3. Congrats to your mom for finishing her project!

    Oooh, those dahlias, so lovely. What a beautifully varied garden. Love the rusted garden art too.

    Thank you for joining us on The Maple Hill Hop!

  4. Congratulations to your Mom!! Thank you so much for the delightful visit to that garden! It was full of beautiful plants.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.