Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A Rainbow Stitch and Back to the Market

And another start - in this case it does mean that I have a finish to share tomorrow.  This is an old (1997) Curtis Boehringer chart called "For Forty Days and Forty Nights". The chart is very basic - no photos and the charting is in black and white, so the colors have only been revealed as I've stitched them.

Yesterday it was 100F, and today it is supposed to be almost that hot.
I'm a Heat Whimp.  So let's return to the Lane County Farmers' Market for another visit instead of tromping about in the heat.

After not going to the Market for several weeks, we managed to swing by two weeks in a row. Each week the produce changes - lots of summer squash now. 

"Bodacious" sweet corn - it was excellent.

The earliest of the apples are ripe.

Colorful carrots

Colorful cabbages


A great display which revealed the fruit of several varieties of heirloom tomatoes. 

They are beautiful.

As are the peppers, though I cannot abide the smell of roasting peppers.

Oregon is famous for its Pinot Noir wines.
The first of the grapes are the market.


  1. Awww...your photos reminded me that I have zuchinni, squash, mushrooms and peppers to string on sticks and grill with a little olive oil and garlic for my zero calorie "treat" today! :) thank you for the reminder!

    I love the colors in 40 days and 40 nights :) It shall be lovely!

    Hey on a side note...I read that the Farmer's Almanac is calling for heavy snow, worse than last year across the country and in most places that don't usually see much snow as in the Pacific Northwest. Wouldn't that include you?

  2. ooOoo! I really like the looks of this stitch Beth. It is really neat.
    I shared your produce pictures with Brian. So pretty and colorful.

  3. What beautiful colors! And the veggies don't look too bad, either. ;0D
    You just know all those veggies have to be good for you with their vibrant colors.
    So glad you enjoyed the market. Now go fix yourself a glass of cool lemonade!

  4. What beautiful colors! And the veggies don't look too bad, either. ;0D
    You just know all those veggies have to be good for you with their vibrant colors.
    So glad you enjoyed the market. Now go fix yourself a glass of cool lemonade!

  5. I just love seeing all the color at the market. You have a very good one. That should be a very interesting project to stitch! This horrid summer just needs to end!!!!!My heart goes out to all the people loosing homes and animals to fire!

  6. Ack--your temps are higher than ours! Do you also have high humidity? That just about melts me! I really look forward to seeing that Boehringer piece finished--I have always liked his works!!


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