Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday's Stitch and Wednesday's Walk

Look at that!  I've got the border all finished up.
Now I can begin to stitch the three Chrysanthemums.

We've had some rain, we've had some super weather. 
Let's take two short walks rather than one long ramble.

We'll start close to home with the view from the Back Patio. The foreground shows the forest green of young Douglas fir trees. In the middle the bright green of an Elderberry and behind it the lighter green of a Cottonwood, the background is the dark green of mature Douglas fir trees.

I was right!  The first of the wild Iris are now in bloom.

The Big Leaf Maples are budding out and a good thing too as they are a food source for many kinds of birds.

Our wild cherry tree is as pretty as I've ever seen it. 

The False Solomon's Seal is in bud and will soon bloom too.

Okay on to Walk #2.  

Not a walk so much as a stop and stare; and admire what someone has done with a shaded corner on their city lot.

They've allowed native wildflowers to grow and thrive under a canopy of trees.

Scads of Oregon Fawn Lily (Erythronium oregonum).

As well as some nice clumps of Small Flowered Trillium (Trillium parviflorum).

Sometimes nature does the best job of arranging plants together.

Such lovely flowers.

They literally carpet the ground.

I think the bits of purple in some of the photos are Dame's Rocket - a non-native.

Yep - there's some Grand Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum grande) in the mix as well. 

Back to the Trilliums - sigh!

And if that wasn't cool enough, across the street there is a Little Free Library!


  1. Beautiful!
    My in-laws village has the little free libraries. :)

  2. che bello il tuo ricamo! In Italia non ci sono le free libraries come quella, che peccato

  3. You live on a wonderful street!! I love the wild flowers. Tomorrow, we are headed up to see the tulips. Just can't get enough flowers this time of year. I do love that stitching project. I wish I had done that series. Great header.

  4. Beth, what lovely walks! Spring is so glorious. Love your November piece (as well as WTNT In my garden. I have never seen a Little Free Libary before - what a fabulous idea!

  5. I didn't know there was wild Iris. So pretty! I've noticed a bit of color on the trees here, but no actual leaves yet. Hopefully soon! I love spring green on the trees!

  6. Those white flowers are just so pretty.

  7. What beautiful flowers. I have thought about doing one of those little free libraries. I just need to find someone to make the enclosure.

  8. This is a hard year for us, due to winter lingering on and on and on... Great pictures! The neighbors really did well, with the shade garden on their lot. Nice! Never saw a Free Library like that before... cool! Our Public Libraries are free... (Only 56 more blogs to read)Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.