Tuesday, March 31, 2015

In My Garden I Do Best

Chart - "A Sparrow's Song"
Design - "In My Garden"
Designer - With Thy Needle and Thread
Fabric - 40 count Sand Newcastle linen
Fibers - WDW - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 22 September 2012
Completed - 21 October 2012

I thought I'd delve back into my Cross Stitch Archives for today's post.
As the theme is gardening, it seemed like the perfect time to take a look at this pretty stitch again.

With wonderful weather this past weekend, I have some garden progress to show so I'll link up today with the Tuesday Garden Party and the Maple Hill Blog Hop

Under the watchful eye of Tom-Cat Garden Supervisor, my sister, Dad, Mom, and I all spent time Sunday afternoon working outside.

My sister and Dad added more soil to our west end flowerbed.
That's why we have a tractor - for projects like that! 

My Mom and sister then set out several new perennials as well as a Sweet Pea trellis.   

One week later the Currant is in full bloom.  I've yet to see a hummingbird there, but I've got to believe that they are part-taking. 

I am partial to blue so love this little spring bulb.  We've had three flushes of blooms so far this spring.

I was busy too.  I set out all my pots of Salvias and Agastaches and added a dose of slow release fertilizer. Some of the pots still show no signs of life, but I continue to remind myself that even thought it was 71F on Sunday, it is still just March.  I am going to be patient and expect that there will yet be further signs of life. 

I also moved out my Mom's collection of Agaves and Lewisias.
I'm really pleased with how well they over-wintered.

Many of my smaller Sedums and succulents also came through with flying colors. 

Crazily this Ice Plant is already in bloom.

And this Lavender looks as though it spent the winter in southern California rather than western Oregon.

I still need to work on getting my Hostas ready for spring.  They are outside by my greenhouse, but unprotected.  As soon as they are showing signs of life, the deer are nibbling on them.  I have some Fuchsias and other tender plants that I should take out of the greenhouse.  I think that chances of a hard frost in April/May are slim to none!     

Our Festival of Daffodils continues on.

I enjoy all the different colors and forms.

It's hard to have a favorite when there are so many pretty ones.


  1. I love that stitch -- it's so perfect for you, and so pretty too! I love Daffodils, so keep 'em coming. lol!

  2. I just love your blog, read it every day! Birds, blooms and stitching! What more could you ask? Laura

  3. Oh my Beth, you've been busy. Spring is such a wonderful season for green fingered folks such as yourself.

  4. Looks like Tom-Cat really cracked the whip as you all really got a lot done on Sunday! Everything looks so pretty, Beth... I love those little blue bulbs that are flowering...

    Your cross stitch archives piece is so perfect for you :) Love the soft, earthy colors in it, too.

  5. Sparrow's Song is perfect for you, isn't it? The colors on it are fantastic.
    Busy times for all of you out there. Looks so very nice.

  6. That stitching is perfect for you, and the colors are lovely!
    You have been quite a busy worker!
    I love the daffodils and all their varieties! So pretty!

  7. I really enjoyed the post. a very pretty stitch and all the beautiful plowers!!! Like you, I have to remind myself it is only the end of March. Some of my garden is still not showing life yet. This week we are going back to the 50's.

  8. Oh, those delicate blue flowers are so sweet! And your lavender looks very happy!
    Spring has awakened there, it seems! Enjoy it all!
    Thank you for being part of The Maple Hill Hop this week!

  9. Such beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing. I have a cat named Mr. G that looks like Tom-Cat. He's a little cutie!

  10. Ooooo, daffodils! Always my favorite. :)

  11. All your hard work definitely paid off this spring! How wonderful to see so much beautiful garden color already!! Our GRASS still hasn't grown in! Winter kept it's hold on us a bit too long this year... Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.