Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Host (or More) of Golden Daffodils

It's a sunny Tuesday - a perfect day to take part in the Tuesday Garden Party and the Maple Hill Blog Hop.

Over the past week many of the narcissus have taken to trumpeting "It's Spring"!

Many, many years ago neighbors planted a few daffodils along the edge of their Douglas Fir and Oak forest.

Over the years the daffodils have thrived...

...and multiplied.

They've become a wonderful Springtime display.

And the bountiful blooms are sited so that all the neighbors can enjoy them as they drive by. 

It isn't Spring without a weekly stop (or two) to a nursery!
Though I stopped by to purchase potting soil and slow-release fertilizer, I had to stroll about and admire all these Spring beauties.

These green and black polka dot pots!
Wow!  I thought they were awesome!

While we have several varieties of daffodils in bloom, I thought I'd feature some of the other March Stars.

Podophyllums (May Apples), Dicentra (Bleeding Hearts), Hellebores, and a couple of Oregon natives - Fawn Lilies and a Columbia Lily.

My hybrid Trillium, well-named 'Volcano' has grown into a nice sized clump with several blooms. 

On the Front Porch the plants are blooming more profusely.

It's nice to have some early cheerful color.

This pot has a combination of muscari and a tiny delicate narcissus.

Tulips and muscari first thing in the morning...

...and the same combination in the afternoon.

Next week I'll show off some of our daffodils. I hope you come back next week to see what is in bloom.


  1. Lovely post, spring is really with you.

  2. Fantastic! Now how come the deer don't eat up the daffodils? I can't wait till we have some of that loveliness here.

  3. aww i love daffodils so much..my fav..
    lovely post..
    smiles x

  4. Oh wow! Not a single boom around here. Just this morning I can spy some green growth in the pink and purple garden! Hooray!
    I love the first picture. :)

  5. Wow, that is an amazing wave of daffodils! And what is it about cats in the garden that's so cute? You have a lot of great gardening projects happening here.

  6. I love daffodils! Am drooling over your gorgeous blue pots too.

  7. I love daffodils! Am drooling over your gorgeous blue pots too.

  8. Oh my goodness, so many beautiful flowers!

  9. Your daffs are so lovely. Can't grow them here, so I'll just enjoy yours.
    That grasshopper is not a welcome sight!

    Thank you so much for joining The Maple Hill Hop this week. I'll be back next week to see more daffs!

  10. What a lovely picture of kitty in the garden! SO pretty!
    I love your daffodils--there are millions of them!!! It looks like a "woodland fantasy!" I love gardens that are planted (or sprouted) in abundance--so gorgeous!
    All of your plants are lovely. Our high was 80 degrees today! Things are really hopping now!

  11. Oh, those daffodils would be such a gorgeous sight to look out on every day, Beth! I should really plant more because that is one of the few things our deer won't gobble right up :)

  12. You are so ahead of us in the spring season! Wow--lovely!

  13. So lovely to see all your blooms!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.