Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday Walk - Green and Growing

Design - "Heart Squares"
Designer - A Needle & Fred
Fabric - 28 count Milk Chocolate linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 10 March 2015
Completed - 14 March 2015

I know, Valentine's Day is long gone, but I found this chart on eBay after searching for it for a couple of years.  And is my wont, I decided I could not wait a year to stitch it!  It was originally charted with a straight stitch border and only two colors of floss. I changed everything to cross stitch and added three other 'pinks' to the mix.

My heart delights when I am able to get outside.  After a couple of weeks of sticking close to home, I feel up to taking a short slow amble.  I hope you'll come along with me.  

By mid-March things have really begun to green up.
There are new buds on many of the trees and shrubs.
Some of the earliest trees and wildflowers are in bloom.

Some of the trees are festooned with moss. 

The Grand Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum grande) is now in bloom.

While most of the western Trilliums have a flower that sits directly atop the leaves, the flower of the Western Trillium (Trillium Ovatum) has a stem between the flower and leaves. The flower thus nods above the big green leaves.

This is not a wilding, but a plum tree - very pretty nonetheless.

This time of year I love the contrast of the brilliant green leaves and the deep red bark of of the Red Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa).

While most of the Indian Plums or Osoberries (Oemleria cerasiformis) have finished blooming, I found one large plant in the deep shade that was still quite lovely.

The Ash trees that line our Big Field have not leafed out, but the field greens up more and more each day.

With my eyes on the ground I found a few early violets near my sister's garden gate.

The seasonal creeks are burbling along with the rains from this past weekend.

The willows that line the Big Creek have catkins and are a haze of green.

I found the first blossom on a Wild Strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis).

And the Cottonwoods are beginning to leaf out!
It's allergy season already in Oregon! 

I read an article about Robert McFarland's "Landmarks" a book on landscape and regional languages which describe them. Who do you supposed travels here regularly.  A rabbit most likely. I found the perfect word for this photo. The word is smuese - Sussex dialect for 'the hole in the base of a hedgerow made by the repeated passage of a small animal.' A perfect word, and one we should still be using, don't you agree? 


  1. Very cool. Love that "smuse" made by whatever animal. Love old words too!

  2. Love your heart stitch! Good for you in getting it stitched up now! All your pictures from your walk say spring is arriving. Thank you for sharing!

    Robin in Virginia

  3. What a gorgeous spring walk you took us on today, Beth :) It was down in the 20s here last night so we need to see pastels and flowers to remind us that winter is nearly over!

    Your pink hearts are so pretty--I like the shades that you used :)

  4. Very sweets post my dear...
    Big hugs x

  5. That is a great word! I loved the walk. I looks much like that up here too and we are sneezing. I love the stitch. I am thinking of starting a Fall one so I say do exactly what pleases you! I think the hearts are great for any time.

  6. I just love where you live and how you share it with all of us. So beautiful and so is the cross stitch!!

  7. I just love where you live and how you share it with all of us. So beautiful and so is the cross stitch!!

  8. I think heart designs are appropriate at any time of year. Your stitched piece is just lovely and some wonderful shades of pink.
    A lovely walk too, it's good to see nature springing back in to life again.

  9. The Heart Squares are adorable! Who cares if it is March? I can't wait to go on a walk somewhere... I don't have much of a yard to admire. Loved walking with you and enjoying the signs of spring! Been so dang busy, but I will try to blog soon! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.