Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Winter Stitch Signs of Spring

Design - "Snowy Trees" - freebie border from "Snowbelles"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Amber linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 5 February 2015
Completed - 7 February 2015

Gardeners are impatient folks!  All winter long they pour through plant and seed catalogs and read obscure books on the PH of soil waiting for warm weather.
But now the wait is over as the Tuesday Garden Party has started up for 2015.  
The earliest signs of spring are present in mid-February.
With snowdrops... 

...and crocus.

The hellebores are chock-a-block full of buds and blossoms.

We have a couple of frilly doubles that are quite stunning.

The singles are nice too.

We had several inches of rain over the weekend, and now there are mushrooms everywhere!


My native Bleeding Heart thinks it is spring.

And so do the Trilliums.

The podophyllums are fighting their way up through the mucky dirt.

And the Iris are ready to grow grow grow.

Look at the robust new growth on this Bleeding Heart!

We have three kinds of daffodils in bloom.


And some rather ragged "Early Sensation" which took a beating in the rain and wind.

There's enough in bloom now that a walk around the house looking at the flowerbeds is a pleasant experience - as long as I ignore the section that still needs weeding!


  1. Keep those spring pics coming. Gives me hope from snowy New York. Not even close to signs of spring here. At least we aren't in Boston or New England.

  2. What beautiful signs of spring are popping up over your way, Beth!! No wonder gardens are so pretty in the northwest--you must have the perfect climate for flowers and plants to get an early start. We are still snow-covered here...

    Your little LK finish is so cute!

  3. Those of us knee-deep (or deeper!!) in snow are sooo jealous of your flowers.

    I'm afraid we have a long wait for spring so thank you for sharing those lovely blooms with the rest of us:-).

  4. The pink hellebores are extremely pretty Beth.

  5. Your a bit further on than us, I have a few snowdrops and our crocus are just popping through.

  6. ooOoo! Our white snow is pretty, but your flowers are much prettier.

  7. Oh, you've made me feel so much warmer! Thanks for the spring-y photos!

  8. Wow, it's just bursting in your part of the world. We are usually a bit behind you so I know what to look forward to!

    Cute stitch!

  9. Thanks for the beautiful spring photos! I saw the first snowdrops poking their heads out this week. Your LK finish is very cute - I love the colour of that bird!

  10. Thanks for such a delightful walk. I love seeing all the flowers and life beginning to come back. I hope it's not too early. I think I need to just enjoy it, not worry about it.

  11. I am stealing this idea! I didn't even think of using part of the border of the snow people to stitch into an ornament! And this one is perfect!

  12. Lovely spring garden pics. I love seeing the changes outside every day.
    I like the colors in your current stitch.

  13. Wow, you have a lot of early spring garden action going on! My tulips are starting to break through the ground, but I haven't taken a garden walk lately to check on things. I need to!

  14. What pretty Spring flowers appearing!! I think daffodils are about my favorite. They are so cheerful. We are going to have the coldest weekend of the year ahead. Below zero at night with wind. brrr. Can't look for signs of Spring here yet... :(

  15. Great photos. Still just the snowdrops for us over here, nothing else yet.

  16. Love the spring flowers -especially the daffodils. Mine look like they will be in bloom any day now.

  17. Ooo, mushrooms! They are so strange and otherwordly and creepy-fun. Unless they look like sex organs, that is. Good lord, my mother has ones that pop up in her front garden that literally looks like she is growing a teeny-peeni colony. lol
    Whelp, I'm done here now. *drops mic*


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.