Monday, February 9, 2015

Rainy Weekend

As you can see I do not suffer from a lack of February themed stitches!
I think first up will be the 2013 Collector's Heart.

We had some pretty good rain showers the past few days.
After the rain ended...

...some took the opportunity to spread their wings and dry out!

Others felt it was the perfect time for a bath.

The Robins were of one mind.

Fresh Rain Water = Bath Time! 

It was fun to watch them splash about.

And joining in the communal bath was a male Varied Thrush.

As I'd not seen any since the beginning of January, I was thrilled to see that they were still around. 

It is easy to see that the Varied Thrush is closely related to the American Robin - only prettier!

The Anna's Hummingbirds popped out as soon as the rain ended.


  1. Love seeing that male Varied Thrush!

  2. That's an amazing shot of the hawk fanning out is feathers! It's funny to see the little birds having their birdbath despite all the recent rain!

    Have fun stitching your stash!

  3. There is a definite similarity between the Varied Thrush and the Robin... cool! Love the bath shots! Hugs!

  4. That Varied Thrush is beautiful. I have not seen ours but the
    DH has. I love the bath pictures!

  5. Amazing pics. Love the bathing ones. We had a lovely mild weekend. Almost 70 on Sunday.
    Lots of February stitching there! Stitch some for me.

  6. What fantastic shots! Love the bathing going on. The Varied Thrush is so pretty too!

  7. Beautiful bathing birdies, Beth! (try saying that five times fast :)

    I've never seen the Varied Thrush before--what a pretty bird.

  8. Lots of stash to delve in to for this month. Wonderful bird photos.


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