Saturday, February 14, 2015

Observing Nature

Padma notes that besides the birds, there are other interesting critters to observe.

For sheer entertainment value, it is tough to top a chipmunk! 

This squirrel looks to have some brown and gray in its DNA.

I like its tightly tucked in ears.

Speaking of ears...

This poor bunny looks as though he survived a close encounter.  The right ear is pretty torn up and still has scabs.

I'll end with a happy photo - Valentine Love!


  1. So many cute little creatures!

  2. Your yard visitors are way more interesting than ours. Lovely photo's

  3. You've got your own nature preserve! Lovely photos.

  4. That last picture is just precious.

  5. And Padma does NOT go after the critters... amazing!

  6. I agree with Padma! So many critters to observe. Love the deer photo!

  7. Those sweet deer--what a cute couple!
    I always enjoy the critter photos! I've never seen a chipmunk around here..don't know if we even have them. I was outside a couple of nights ago, picking up a few sticks to start a fire with, and I heard some snorting behind the bushes. I am not crazy! HA I didn't wait around to see what it was!! It was dark, and I went back inside!

  8. Lots of furry creature today! Wonderful!


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